The Chief Financial Officer receives all funds for the Township and is responsible for depositing all funds in depositories authorized by the Township Committee, pursuant to the Township’s Cash Management Plan. The Chief Financial Officer must keep an accurate accounting of all cash receipts and disbursements and be prepared to furnish the Township Committee with a statement of all monies received and expended if requested. All checks and vouchers are processed in the Finance Office for payment of salaries, wages and other expenses of Township, including remittance of tax payments to the Board of Education and Somerset County. The Chief Financial Officer is also the Qualified Purchasing Agent for the Township. Purchasing responsibilities are centralized within this office and include purchasing and distributing of supplies, materials, equipment required by municipal departments. Pursuant to State law, the QPA is responsible for verifying compliance with purchasing laws, including the receipt of quotations and public bids when required, or purchasing through approved cooperative purchasing arrangements, such as County and State purchasing cooperatives.
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